Sister Evelyn Rose, OP (née Alycia Morse) was born in Mesa, Arizona, the fourth of five children of a Protestant father and a mother from a strong Hispanic Catholic background. Although he agreed to let the children be raised in the Catholic faith, Sister Evelyn Rose’s father did not really understand Catholicism. He and his […]
Newsletter Spring 2019: “YOU CAN’T SAY NO TO GOD”

No vocation happens in a vacuum; the families, especially the parents, of each young man and woman play a crucial role. We’ve written in these pages about Sister Ann Dominic (née Karen) Mahowald OP; in this issue, we’re pleased to share the experience of her parents, George and Maureen Mahowold. What was your family’s faith […]
Newsletter Fall 2018: “Beauty attracts”

This past July 25 marked the one-year anniversary of the re-foundation of the Carmelite Monastery of St. Joseph and St. Anne in downtown Philadelphia. Founded in 1902, the monastery was a thriving community and an important hub of Catholic life in Philadephia before going into decline starting in the late 1960s. By 2017, the Philadelphia […]
Newsletter Fall 2018: Grant Recipients’ Milestones
February 19 Sr. Harriet entered the novitiate of Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey in Dubuque, IA. February 20 Sr. Vera entered the novitiate of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Miami, FL. (no photo available) April 28 Sr. Maria Vianney made her perpetual vows with the Dominican Sisters of […]
Newsletter Fall 2018: President’s Message

Dear Friends, These are trying times for us Catholics. But as a careful student of Church history could tell you, the times have always been trying. The advice of the Apostle Paul remains as useful to us as it was to the Philippians: “Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling.” We cannot allow […]
Newsletter Fall 2018: “It turns out I was born into my true home.”

MEFV grant recipient Brother Joseph Paul Albin, OP made his solemn profession this summer with the Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Martin de Porres. He spoke with us in late August about his journey back to the faith of his upbringing, about life in formation, and about what MEFV’s support has meant. What […]
Brother Joseph Paul Albin, OP

“Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.”
Sr. Mariana

“God gave me the graces I needed to truly open my heart to His gentle and persistent knock.”
Sr. Veronica Mary of the Transfiguration

“After the purifying fire of the loss of employment, debt and other humbling experiences, the Lord has created in me a heart that desires Him and Him alone.”
Sr. Maria Teresa of the Sacred Heart

“I needed to give of myself more completely, more radically.”