St. Joseph Grant Consent Information

St. Joseph Grant Program

Consent to Use Information

  1. The Fund for Vocations’ primary means of raising the funds needed to make grant payments is by reaching out to the Catholic faithful through direct mail. In our communications with our donors, we share the stories of our grant recipients to demonstrate the great need that exists for our program among men and women called to the consecrated life.
  2. At a minimum we may need to use your first name, the Religious Institute you are entering, the balance of your debt and the required payments. In fact, if you receive a grant from the Fund for Vocations, this information may be required to be disclosed (at least in aggregate) in our annual tax filings.
  3. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to use your story to help us in our fundraising and promotions, so that we may help you and as many men and women in your situation as possible. At the same time we are sensitive to your privacy and do not wish to use any more information than necessary without your consent.
  4. We suggest that you consult with your vocations director before completing this form. If the vocations director has any questions, we will be happy to discuss them by phone at 877-556-6338, or send an e-mail to Katherine Huber at
  5. You must check the first box to indicate that you understand that we will disclose the minimum amount of information. Then, fill in your name, etc., on the bottom of the form. This is required.
  6. If you are willing to help us in our fundraising efforts, please also check the second box to indicate that we may use additional information that you submit with your application. If you choose not to do so, it will not affect your chances of receiving a grant from the Fund for Vocations.
  7. As we seek to raise funds to cover the student loans of more aspirants, we sometimes use photos to help our donors make a visual connection with the generous young men and women seeking to answer God’s call. Accordingly, we are asking you to consider including a photo of yourself, preferably a head-shot with your application. This photo will not be used for evaluating your application.
  8. Letter of acceptance from the Religious Institute you plan to enter. We cannot bring your application before the Review Board without this Letter.
    1. The letter may be conditional upon your clearing your student debts.
    2. Please DO NOT ask your religious community to send the letter directly to us. If all of your application materials are not received together, items may be misplaced.
    3. If your religious community has questions about what is needed, please have them contact the Fund for Vocations Grant Administrator, Katherine Huber, at
  9. Letter from the Labouré Society confirming their commitment of an allocation of funds to you, if applicable.
  10. Letter(s) from family or friends willing to commit to paying a portion of your loans, if applicable. The letter should indicate as much detail as possible with regard to the commitment your family or friends are making. Please make sure they understand that we may be awarding you a grant on the strength of their commitment.
  11. Supporting Documentation:

    If, for some reason, you are not able to include one or more of the required items, please include a note describing the circumstances, and when the item(s) will be available.

    DO NOT submit payment histories, letters of recommendation, or anything else we do not ask for in these instructions. We will not consider them in evaluating your application.

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