St. Joseph Legacy Society

St. Joseph Legacy Society

Members of the St. Joseph Legacy Society make an extraordinary commitment to ensuring that the Fund for Vocations can continue its mission of building up the Church by unlocking more faithful vocations to religous life.

A monthly Mass is offered for St. Joseph Legacy Society members, both living and deceased, by the Dominican Sisters at the Nashville motherhouse of St. Cecelia, and members will be perpetually remembered by our grant recipients. St. Joseph Legacy Society members have the consolation of knowing that their generosity will produce good and faithful servants who will touch countless lives with the Truth and Grace of Christ.

St. Joseph Legacy Society

There are many ways you can join the Fund for Vocations St. Joseph Legacy Society. For example, you can:

  • Leave a simple bequest in your will by inserting the following language: “I give and bequeath the sum of _______ dollars (US $_______) [or ____% of the residue of my estate] to Mater Ecclesiae Fund for Vocations, Esmont, VA.”

  • Name the Fund for Vocations a beneficiary of your insurance policy, revocable trust, or retirement plan.

  • Make a tax-free gift from your IRA, while reducing taxable required minimum distributions (RMDs).

  • Donate appreciated stock that is tax-deductible at the stock’s current valuation nd avoid capital gains on that stock.

FOR MORE INFORMATION—or to let us know you have remembered the Fund for Vocations in your legacy or estate plans and wish to enroll in the St. Joseph Legacy Society, please complete this form.

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