The Gates of Hell Shall not Prevail
The other day I was reading the homily of a bishop given at the Baccalaureate Mass at a well-known Catholic college. He quoted Christ saying

As We Prepare for the Feast of Christmas
It’s the middle of the second week of Advent already. There will be Rose vestments next Sunday. Advent half over and where are we with

Mystery Novels…But So Much More
I am currently engaged in working my way through all 20 of the Chronicles of Brother Cadfael of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Peter and

Just Do It
By the time I knew there was such a thing as a “vocation,” mine was completely set and fixed for life. I probably started hearing

We Are Each Responsible for Our Own Salvation
If you are a regular reader of these posts you will have noticed that I was on summer vacation. I took some time to go

Last Sunday I fulfilled my Sunday obligation at a Traditional Latin Mass. The gospel for the fourth Sunday after Pentecost is the calling of Simon,

Preserving the Faith in a Secular Culture
A decade ago, I was asked to speak to a chapter of the Serra Club on the topic of Preserving the Faith in a Secular

Guardian Angels
In my experience, Baptists don’t think about angels much. Since my conversion to Catholicism, I have acquired a great fondness and thankfulness for my guardian

Duty of Evangelization
Last night I saw (only saw, I keep the TV on mute for commercials) a commercial featuring Billy Graham’s son preaching to a large crowd

Is this God’s Will?
I’ve been looking forward to a possible event for sometime now. Today, I
learned it would not be happening. The first thought that came to my mind when learning of this was “Is this God’s Will or is this the forestalling of God’s Will?”

Holy Week Reflection
Holy Week is upon us once again. At these well known points in the liturgical year, I am prone to think of Scrooge’s dismissive remarks

Today’s reality. You hear that a lot lately. But in Reality, nothing is different from when the pandemic was not the constant thought of society.

Perfection of Charity
For the better part of 35 years Katherine and I have lived in Virginia while Katherine’s parents have lived in Western Massachusetts. Because of this

On the Feast of the Holy Family
I have been struck, in the weeks since Christmas, about how often the life of the Holy Family is the subject of the Church’s attention