The Fund for Vocations Novena for Vocations
What is a Novena
A novena is a classic form of Catholic devotion, where on nine successive days, prayers are said for some special intention. The practice of saying novenas is scripturally based, modeled after the nine days of prayer that the Apostles, our Blessed Mother, and other disciples of Christ prayed together in the Upper Room between Our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Prayed in communion with the Saints, novenas often petition the intercession of the saints, our exemplary role models in the spiritual life.
The Fund for Vocations is dedicated to assisting men and women to follow God’s call to a life of consecrated service to the Church. We do this through student debt relief grands and through our prayerful support. Let us pray together, with the Angels and Saints, for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life. Let us also pray for all the vocations in Christ’s Church: for holy marriages, for Deacons, and those that dedicate their lives to Christ in the single life. May the Lord of the harvest send many to work in His vineyard!