Shelby Harrison
My name is Shelby Harrison and I was privileged enough to enter the Catholic Church on July 8, 2020. Before entering the Church I deeply

Jessica Reyes
For the last ten years, when God’s plan for my vocation did not make sense, the temptation was to give up hope. Yet, through His

Megan Vielhauer
My name is Megan Rose Vielhauer. I was born on March 7, 2001 at St. Joseph’s Hospital right across the state line between Kansas and

Sr. Yvelyne Marie, H.M.S.S.
My name is Yvelyne Bemard. I was born and raised in Brentwood, New York until I was 15. I moved to Florida where I remained

Erlind Sulko
My name is Erlind Sulko. I am a 31 old man currently living in Gatineau, Canada. I was born in Tirana, Albania to Albanian parents.

Amy Weaver
My name is Amy Weaver, and I have been accepted into postulancy with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. Currently I am completing

Kaler Diemer
“My passionate belief that God has created us for a life of joy and abundance finds its home in the gospel of life that the Sisters

Jeremy Krygowski
My mom and dad laid the foundation of faith within me. The importance of giving thanks to and petitioning Jesus instilled in me a sense

Sr. Ann Dominic, OP
Out of a desire to pursue God’s will, she attended the Catholic University of America, where she prayed daily, “Lord, if you’re real, will you

Sr. Magdalene Grace
“It is so important to say yes to the calling of God.” Sr. Magdalene Grace, Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles

Sister Raphaelle Marie
“Even in moments of suffering, God gives the grace and there is a deep, abiding joy.”

Sr. Mariana
“God gave me the graces I needed to truly open my heart to His gentle and persistent knock.”

Sr. Veronica Mary of the Transfiguration
“After the purifying fire of the loss of employment, debt and other humbling experiences, the Lord has created in me a heart that desires Him and Him alone.”

Sr. Maria Teresa of the Sacred Heart
“I needed to give of myself more completely, more radically.”

Sr. Miriam Esther
“I realized that a calling to the contemplative life is really an invitation to begin participating in the joys of Heaven while still on earth …”

Sr. Mary Isabel of the Angels
“I know that a vocation is a gift and God has given this gift to me and I will not pass this opportunity.”