Erlind Sulko

My name is Erlind Sulko. I am a 31 old man currently living in Gatineau, Canada. I was born in Tirana, Albania to Albanian parents.

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Amy Weaver

My name is Amy Weaver, and I have been accepted into postulancy with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. Currently I am completing

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Kaler Diemer

“My passionate belief that God has created us for a life of joy and abundance finds its home in the gospel of life that the Sisters

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Jeremy Krygowski

My mom and dad laid the foundation of faith within me. The importance of giving thanks to and petitioning Jesus instilled in me a sense

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Sr. Ann Dominic, OP

Out of a desire to pursue God’s will, she attended the Catholic University of America, where she prayed daily, “Lord, if you’re real, will you

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Sr. Miriam Esther

“I realized that a calling to the contemplative life is really an invitation to begin participating in the joys of Heaven while still on earth …”

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Fra. Terrance Jean Marie

“God’s will is more perfect than mine, His thoughts are purer than mine, His glory is more important than mine. He must increase and I must remember that I am nothing.”

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