It took witnessing a fatal car accident for Sister Brandi, then an atheist, to begin asking the big questions. As she grappled with the purpose of her life, she heard a clear call to join God in religious life. Thanks to the Fund for Vocations, which took over her student loan payments, Sister Brandi (now Sister Consolata) started her journey on the path into the heart of God. Donor generosity makes this possible—for hundreds of faithful young Catholic men and women.

Raising the Next Generation of Priests and Religious

Many young men and women are called to religious life but cannot enter formation because of student loan debt. The Catholic Church needs these vocations. So does the wider world—even if it doesn’t know it. The Fund for Vocations makes grants to young men and women who have already been accepted for religious formation and whose student loans are the last barrier to entry. This is where the generous lay faithful come in.

Meet the Next Generation

Men and women. Cradle Catholics and converts. Active and contemplative. Urban and rural, north, south, east, and west. Meet some of the humble, holy, funny, and inspiring young people whose vocations the Fund for Vocations has made possible.

The Fund in the News

The College Fix

The Fund for Vocations appeared in The College Fix, a nonprofit media organization run by veteran journalists and run by student reporters. The article was titled, “Nonprofit helps 13 new applicants pay student loans while considering religious vocation.” In the article, Associate Editor Mark Lamb interviews our Executive Director, Mary

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The New York Times

See the article featured on our facebook and instagram pages! In an article entitled, “They Want to Become Nuns and Priests. Student Debt Holds Them Back,” The New York Times covered the little known phenomenon that underlies our whole mission. Student loans are holding back young men and women who

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The Wall Street Journal

In an article entitled, “When Student Debt Stands in the Way of Religious Poverty,” The Wall Street Journal profiles students with religious vocations. Student loans held them back. But WSJ featured The Fund for Vocations as an option. The Fund allows young people to enter into formation as soon as

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Podcast Series

The Effect of Student Loan Debt on Vocations

Compass Catholic Ministries works on campuses across the nation to build students’ financial literacy. Their popular podcast series “Money Stories” speaks to young Catholics about the importance of good financial habits in a life ordered towards love and service for Christ. Money Stories produced a four-episode series during Summer 2020 about the Fund for Vocations. Listen to board member Anne Folan and grant recipients Sister Ignatia Henneberry and Father Brent Bowen.

For Grant Applicants

If you are interested in applying for a grant please click on FOR GRANT APPLICANTS in tabs.  You may also email us at info@fundforvocations.org.  We truly appreciate your willingness to respond to God’s call and are here to assist individuals like you commit to a life of service to the Church.

For your reference, the application deadlines for grants are:

November 30 – April 30 – June 15 – July 30

Copyright © 2020 Fund for Vocations. All rights reserved.

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