Duty of Evangelization

Last night I saw (only saw, I keep the TV on mute for commercials) a commercial featuring Billy Graham’s son preaching to a large crowd saying encouraging things about faith (there were subtitles). As an ex-Baptist, I realized that the commercial was not taking place in isolation. In all likelihood, in evangelical churches across the […]
Holy Week Reflection

Holy Week is upon us once again. At these well known points in the liturgical year, I am prone to think of Scrooge’s dismissive remarks about Christmas: “another year older and not a moment wiser.” But something struck me during the reading of the Passion Gospel on Palm Sunday that may lead to a scintilla […]

Today’s reality. You hear that a lot lately. But in Reality, nothing is different from when the pandemic was not the constant thought of society. Before the pandemic, we were all sinners and we still are. Before the pandemic, the greatest moment in the history of existence was the Annunciation, the Incarnation. It still is. […]
Perfection of Charity

For the better part of 35 years Katherine and I have lived in Virginia while Katherine’s parents have lived in Western Massachusetts. Because of this accident of geography, I am familiar with just about every possible way to drive between Virginia and the Berkshires. Freeways and backroads; direct, indirect, and completely out of our way. […]
On the Feast of the Holy Family

I have been struck, in the weeks since Christmas, about how often the life of the Holy Family is the subject of the Church’s attention at this time. It’s logical, given that we have just celebrated that rather incredible event of the birth of the second Person of the Godhead into a human family. This […]