Kami Beliard

I was born and raised in South Florida to Haitian parents where I grew up speaking French with my mother and Haitian Creole with my father until my parent’s divorce in my middle school years. Growing up our family attended St. Bartholomew Catholic Church every Sunday where I received my First Holy Communion in elementary […]
Stephen Kurt

The Church is my home. She always has been, and she always will be. There is a comfort that the Church brings me. She has always been there for the high moments in my life and difficult times. Being in the Church has allowed me to learn, lead, and discover the truth about the world […]
Alexander McDougall

I’m both thrilled and nervous to be writing this, but I will do my best to articulate a bit of my life thus far and how Our Good God has led me to pursue a vocation. I was born on March 25, 2001, in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I was born in Pearland, a city outside […]
Lisa Nguyễn

I was having a conversation with my brother and he made a comment about how he thought that I would be happy as a Sister. That comment planted a seed in my heart, so I started to discern religious life. By this time, I had recently graduated from university and was given a promotion at […]
Jacob Moylan

From the time my 9th-grade classmates used their newfound knowledge of world history to strike at the basis of my Catholic faith, I found myself wanting for a deeper understanding of God’s role in our world. From then on over the years of personally challenging the faith, I have found only more reason to believe […]
Fr. Matthew Pajor, SCh

My name is Matthew Pajor. I was born in 1996 in Chicago to Jadwiga and Bogdan Pajor, immigrants from Poland. My dad arrived in the United States in 1987, and my mom followed him in 1992. I grew up in the Chicago suburbs where faith was a central part of my upbringing. I was baptized […]
Sarah Yurgelaitis

My name is Sarah Yurgelaitis. I am a cradle Catholic and I have always loved my Faith, although for many years it was more in my head and an ideology or a moral code rather than in my heart as a relationship with a Person as it is meant to be. My mom was not […]
Mary Ann Christina Hastie

I was not raised Catholic and my parents were both of non-practicing Protestant backgrounds. When I was a very small child I would attend a Seventh Day Adventist Church with my Grandma. By the time I was six, Grandma became too frail to bring me to Church so I stopped going with her, but I […]
Kristin Foresman

The earliest memory I have of the first inklings of a call to religious life was in high school or college when a few people here and there mentioned or wondered about religious life for me. A priest in Confession even mentioned it one time. These encounters poked something in my heart and piqued my curiosity at the idea, […]
Sister Therese Michael

My journey of discerning becoming a religious sister began in 2019, the summer after I graduated high school. It was at a Steubenville East conference in Lowell, MA. Sister Miriam James asked the women in the room to quiet their hearts and to ask Jesus if He was calling us to be a religious sister. […]