Megan Vielhauer

My name is Megan Rose Vielhauer. I was born on March 7, 2001 at St. Joseph’s Hospital right across the state line between Kansas and Missouri. My parents, David and Renee, met in high school and were married by the ages of 19 and 21. I am the youngest of three kids. My brother, Derek, […]
Sr. Yvelyne Marie, H.M.S.S.

My name is Yvelyne Bemard. I was born and raised in Brentwood, New York until I was 15. I moved to Florida where I remained until I graduated from the University of Florida in May 2011 with a B.A in English. I didn’t want to go to UF at first, I had wanted to go […]
Erlind Sulko

My name is Erlind Sulko. I am a 31 old man currently living in Gatineau, Canada. I was born in Tirana, Albania to Albanian parents. My parents were diplomats, so I grew up constantly moving from one place to another. Despite being from Albania, I have lived most of my life outside of Albania. […]
Amy Weaver

My name is Amy Weaver, and I have been accepted into postulancy with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. Currently I am completing my Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling at Oklahoma State University. In my work as an intern counselor, I love being able to enter into the suffering of others […]
Kaler Diemer

“My passionate belief that God has created us for a life of joy and abundance finds its home in the gospel of life that the Sisters live out in their charism.” Growing up, I always had a sense that I was supposed to do something special with my life. As a child my heart was filled […]
Jeremy Krygowski

My mom and dad laid the foundation of faith within me. The importance of giving thanks to and petitioning Jesus instilled in me a sense of the great vastness of God. Growing up in the parish, I was active at most K of C functions and then became a knight myself when I was seventeen. […]
Sr. Ann Dominic, OP

Out of a desire to pursue God’s will, she attended the Catholic University of America, where she prayed daily, “Lord, if you’re real, will you help me to know you and serve you?” And God, as He promises to do for all of us, answered by changing her life; not only did she gain the […]
Sr. Magdalene Grace

“It is so important to say yes to the calling of God.” Sr. Magdalene Grace, Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Sr. Magdalene Grace was raised in a devout Catholic family in Ohio and she didn’t feel the call to religious life until after she attended college at Ohio Dominican University. […]
Sister Raphaelle Marie

“Even in moments of suffering, God gives the grace and there is a deep, abiding joy.”
Brother Joseph Paul Albin, OP

“Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.”