Sr. Mariana

“God gave me the graces I needed to truly open my heart to His gentle and persistent knock.”
Sr. Veronica Mary of the Transfiguration

“After the purifying fire of the loss of employment, debt and other humbling experiences, the Lord has created in me a heart that desires Him and Him alone.”
Sr. Maria Teresa of the Sacred Heart

“I needed to give of myself more completely, more radically.”
Sr. Miriam Esther

“I realized that a calling to the contemplative life is really an invitation to begin participating in the joys of Heaven while still on earth …”
Sr. Benedicta

“I knew from that moment something had to be done.”
Sr. Mary Isabel of the Angels

“I know that a vocation is a gift and God has given this gift to me and I will not pass this opportunity.”
Sr. Mary Magdalene

“I was drawn to imitate Mary’s deep humility and constant mortification.”
Br. Jason of the Holy Spirit

“…my desire for consecrated life grew more and more.”
Fra. Terrance Jean Marie

“God’s will is more perfect than mine, His thoughts are purer than mine, His glory is more important than mine. He must increase and I must remember that I am nothing.”
Fr. Kevin Mann

“… Through imitating Christ, poor, chaste, and obedient, I desire to give myself completely to His Bride, the Church.”