Guardian Angels

In my experience, Baptists don’t think about angels much. Since my conversion to Catholicism, I have acquired a great fondness and thankfulness for my guardian angel. (I’m pretty sure that angels don’t have a sex, but I always think of my guardian as a “he,” so I’m going with it.) I am particularly happy to […]
Sr. Kelsey Ann Shaver

On 8/11/20 Sr. Kelsey Ann Shaver, ASCJ renewed her temporary vows of poverty, chastity and obedience at Mount Sacred Heart Chapel in Hamden. These vows are renewed annually until Perpetual Profession. Apostles of the Sacred Heart Celebrate Vow Renewals, New Novice – Diocese of Bridgeport ( Sr. Kelsey has a Physical Therapy Doctorate degree from […]
Duty of Evangelization

Last night I saw (only saw, I keep the TV on mute for commercials) a commercial featuring Billy Graham’s son preaching to a large crowd saying encouraging things about faith (there were subtitles). As an ex-Baptist, I realized that the commercial was not taking place in isolation. In all likelihood, in evangelical churches across the […]
Interview with Grant Recipient Bart Upart on Pints With Aquinas Note: This video was recorded in September 2020 before Bart applied for a grant from the Fund for Vocations. Since then, he applied and received a grant which will cover his student loan payments for as long as he is in formation with the Dominicans.
Is this God’s Will?

I’ve been looking forward to a possible event for sometime now. Today, I
learned it would not be happening. The first thought that came to my mind when learning of this was “Is this God’s Will or is this the forestalling of God’s Will?”
The Effect of Student Loan Debt on Vocations with Father Brent Bowen

Father Brent Bowen finished his undergraduate studies and promptly started his master’s degree. It was at that time that he realized his calling to become a priest. At that point, he had six figure student loan debt.
The Effect of Student Loan Debt on Vocations with Sister Ignatia Henneberry

Sister Ignatia Henneberry, with the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, had student loan debt when the started discerning religious life. She had faith that her debt would not be a barrier.
Newsletter Fall 2020

It started with the recognition of what a gift Faith was. A little while into this practice, it occurred to me that perhaps I should also include the other theological virtues and so I added Hope and Charity to my prayer. I have now been thanking God each morning for Hope for some 20 years […]
Holy Week Reflection

Holy Week is upon us once again. At these well known points in the liturgical year, I am prone to think of Scrooge’s dismissive remarks about Christmas: “another year older and not a moment wiser.” But something struck me during the reading of the Passion Gospel on Palm Sunday that may lead to a scintilla […]

Today’s reality. You hear that a lot lately. But in Reality, nothing is different from when the pandemic was not the constant thought of society. Before the pandemic, we were all sinners and we still are. Before the pandemic, the greatest moment in the history of existence was the Annunciation, the Incarnation. It still is. […]